Xishi Choir Club 西勢合唱社團

Welcome to Xishi Elementary! Here, every Tuesday afternoon, we gather for something very special—our Club Activity time. One of our most exciting clubs is the Choir Club.

In Choir Club, we mix together students from different grades to sing our hearts out. 

Through music, we learn about different languages and cultures, making new friends and learning to listen and work together as a team.

Our teachers are amazing, guiding us through lots of practice to get ready for big moments like the Winter Concert and Children's Day Performance. That's when we show off our beautiful music and voices to everyone.

Join Xishi Choir Club, where we make music and fun together!


Vocabulary: gather 聚集/ club 社團/ activity 活動/ exciting 刺激的/ different 不同的/ grade 年級/ sing our hearts out 盡情唱歌/ language 語言/ culture 文化/ team 團隊/ amazing 很棒的/ guide 引導/ moment 時刻/ concert 音樂會/ performance 表演/ show off 炫耀/ voice 聲音

Choir 認識合唱團

Have you ever heard of a school choir? A school choir is a group of kids who love to sing together. They practice singing songs and perform them for others. Choirs can have many different types of voices, like Sopranos and Altos. Singing in a choir can be a lot of fun, but it's also important. Music can bring people together and create a sense of community. Singing can also help children develop, like improving language skills. So, if you love to sing, a school choir might be just the thing for you.

Vocabulary: choir 合唱團/ practice 練習/ perform 表演/ type 種類/ voice 聲音/ soprano 女高音/ alto 女中音/ important 重要的/ create 創造/ sense 感/ community 社區/ develop 發展/ improve 提升/ language 語言/ skill 技能



Performances 表演